How Does a Vendor Management System Improve Healthcare Staffing During Physician  Shortage?

How Does a Vendor Management System Improve Healthcare Staffing During Physician Shortage?

Imagine that the emergency room is overflowing with helpless patients. As additional patients show up, you understand that a portion of your staff is missing because of unplanned leaves. In anticipation of the upcoming holidays, some employees have even taken advantage of paid vacation time earlier than usual. Nobody is happy because your lines are long, you don't have enough workers, and your core staff feels like they are working too much.

As the US faces a growing physician shortage, situations like these will only get worse. The AAMC estimates that there will be a shortage of 40,800 to 104,900 physicians by 2030. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that hospitals like yours are now more dependent on locum tenens physicians than ever before.

Locum tenens, like anything in huge demand, can be difficult to recruit and expensive at the same time, especially when working with only one staffing agency. The hiring procedure can be time-consuming and frustrating, from privileging to credentialing.

Utilizing a vendor-neutral VMS (Vendor Management System) for healthcare staffing is essential. With the VMS, you can easily place job orders and manage credentials from a single location, have faster access to high-quality candidates, control costs at rates that are competitive with the market, and have better visibility into spending on contingent labor.

Improved Visibility

A divided house cannot endure. While delegating responsibilities is necessary, you must still monitor their execution. Otherwise, how will you know when a department spends more on contingent labor than it needs to?

The right vendor management platform will come outfitted with key performance indicator (KPI) coverage, keeping you informed on each employing choice made in each division. The VMS shows the total number of no-shows or no-calls, cancelation rates, time-to-fill, fill rates, and average staff evaluation grades. You'll be able to better understand the costs of your contingent workforce and improve your workflow in this way.

Quick Access

Hiring locum tenens can become very expensive. However, this isn't only because of compensation costs. Money is time. There is the time spent looking for candidates, negotiating with agencies, interviewing doctors, and other similar activities.

You will greatly reduce this amount of time if you make use of an effective VMS healthcare platform. This is because instead of approaching each of your vendors individually, you are communicating with them all through a single portal. Your staff positions will be filled immediately as a result of the easing and speeding up of every task, from collecting timesheets to obtaining approvals and contacting staffing agencies.

Competitive Rates

Using a vendor-neutral VMS is the single most cost-effective way to find locum tenens. In order to be your locum tenens provider, vendors must compete with one another under vendor neutrality. All the while, vendors get rid of supplier markups and just set forth the best applicants. You will never have to pay rates that are higher than the market just to meet the demand of your hospital if you have a good VMS platform.

Additionally, you shouldn't be concerned about having to compromise on quality in order to stay within your budget. Because staffing firms compete with one another based on the quality of physicians they are able to provide and are at risk for their malpractice insurance, today's physicians who practice as locum tenens are subjected to stringent screening procedures.

Better Management

Using a high-quality vendor management platform for Healthcare makes your tasks easier. It's easier and faster to communicate with your vendors. You can make all approvals, manage accurate data, and ensure error-free practices from the beginning with automated billing and invoicing. Furthermore, you use a single invoice rather than inventing a new method to invoice each vendor. You can complete your entire vendor commitments in one go.

A VMS platform can't stop the spread of flu or cold, the entry of ER visits during night-times, or offer relief to those in need. However, it can assure that you will be able to obtain additional assistance in case you require it, despite the increasing scarcity of medical professionals.

Wrapping Up

Contact Vemsta right away for a VMS platform that will provide you with the visibility you require, prompt access to expert assistance, affordable pricing, and better management of all of your staffing processes. We are ready to meet your requirements.

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